IsDownUS About website was created to provide you with real-time information about outage reports for online services such as websites, phone apps, tv apps, and you name it.

Most of us experienced it - The Pain!

You visit a website or open a phone app that you use every day, but today you can't access it, or it might be too slow for some reason. Perhaps, the web service is just acting very strange.

If that happens, you will want to know if it is happening just for you or if perhaps other users are experiencing the same problem as well.

This is where comes in! We provide you with the most up-to-date information about what is happening with a specific website or a service.

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How it works

  • Server Status Checks: We continuously ping servers to assess their operational status, ensuring they are active and responsive.
  • Website Accessibility Tests: We send browser requests to verify whether a website is up or down, providing a clear picture of its accessibility.
  • Performance Monitoring: We collect and record data on latency and response times to evaluate the speed and performance of websites and services.
  • User-Submitted Reports: We gather real-time reports from users about outages and issues, offering immediate insights into problems as they arise.
  • Social Media Monitoring: We track social media for reports related to website and service issues, providing a comprehensive overview of problems from multiple sources.
  • Comprehensive Information Presentation: We compile and present all this information in a clear and accessible format on individual status pages for each company, ensuring you have a complete understanding of the status and performance of websites and services.

Each Company's Status Page: What You'll Find

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  • Company Status: This section indicates the overall status of the company, showing if users are reporting no problems, possible problems, or detected problems.
  • Problem Report Button: Users can submit a problem report to IsDownUS. They can select from a predefined list of problem indicators to specify the type of issue they are experiencing.
  • Problems in the Last 24 Hours: A daily historical view that compares the number of problem reports over the last 24 hours to the baseline volume, helping to identify trends.
  • Most Reported Problems: Provides insight into the most commonly reported issues by users, helping to identify recurring problems.
  • Outage Locations: A detailed list of actual locations with the number of reports, enabling users to identify affected areas and see the most recent report time for each location.
  • Response Status History: Recent server availability based on server pings and browser requests to the applicable websites, providing a comprehensive view of uptime and response performance.
  • User Comments: A section where anyone from anywhere can post comments, share experiences, and discuss issues related to the company outages.

So, if you are stuck and online stuff is acting strange or simply not working, we suggest using our website to check on the status of that Service, Website, or App. You might find helpful tips on how to fix the issue or at least find out for yourself that the Resource is having an outage.

Contact Us

For suggestions or questions, please contact us or email us:

One last thing, most of the online services, unfortunately, have issues and outages here and there. It is just how it is. Most of them are regional and as a tip, a good and fast VPN service can help to fix the problem.